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Do you wish to assist David Hopkins and his 18 year old son Jonathan Hopkins in their continued mission of HOPE?
Mission for 2021-2022: Being a Hero of Planet Earth, Helping Our Planet Evolve by Helping Other People Everywhere by bringing Homeless Outreach Programs Everywhere we can in the following 5 states on the West Coast:
We are going to bring HOPE ROCKS to homeless as shared on my Facebook Page and TikTok profiles and so much more.
We are currently working on creating phone apps that will help people with healing sound therapy of THE ARC right in your ears and so much more.
If you wish to be a Sponsor or HOPE CARE VANS and HOPE ROCKS and HOPE UNITED, you will get special mention on this and other pages on the website.
Such as:
Rochelle - USA (who bought my Sodalite and paid for our groceries)
Laurel - USA (who bought my Unakite and paid for more supplies for the van)
Brian - USA (who sent us a gift that bought camping supplies so my son and I can live and bring HOPE to as many we can find)
All you need to do at this moment is send any amount of gift to one of the methods below as of 3 days ago - when I launched this campaign on Facebook and TikTok, and you will get special mention on our websites as well as the knowing you are helping us, help others while we ourselves are surviving an otherwise bad situation of being homeless in 2021 and 2022.
Thank you from the center of our hearts.
David and Jonathan Hopkins
P.s. for those of you who wish to read our full current situation, please look below the pay links.
Venmo: @HOPEvolve369
Note: I prefer to use Venmo or CashApp before using PayPal because they keep holding my money. If you are going to send through PayPal, please send as a gift to a Friend and Family or they will tax it and hold part of it. I am currently working on getting my non-profit status with a 501c (3) but as of now, none of what is gifted is a write-off. We will let you know when that changes.
Thank you from the center of my heart
If you wish to go see all of the work I've done to help other people everywhere, you can find all of it here

My Current Chapter of this HOPE Novel:
I Am:
50yrs old - 25 years clean and sober
Very healthy - lost 135lbs, size 54 to 38 - health trainer - (except for my degenerative bone disease in my spine)
I drink mostly spring water (I cheat with some root beer every once in a while)
I eat as healthy as I can get us to eat on a budget -
Single - Newly divorced - different paths
Full time Mother/Father - I am more feminine than masculine -
No longer working due to back issues, mental trauma that I haven't had the money to heal as of yet so I am going to do what I've always done and work for myself and travel with my son to help others
Ex business owner - due to losing my business because of Covid at the end of 2020
Newly moved into a very unsafe neighborhood - Central Valley CA - huge crime rate - after finally making it to live near Mount Shasta for 2 years - Please see Project HOPE to find out why that is so important
Living with my 18yr old adult functioning autistic and emotionally withdrawn child I am, and have raised on my own for his entire life, who suffers from his autism, due to a vaccine he received prior to going into the 7th grade
Just purchased a used 2001 Chevy Venture with over 240,000 miles on it as a starter vehicle so my son and I will have a place to live now that I have no job and we are giving up our place to live to go help others before we aren't allowed to travel
A survivor of 2 long term relationships (1 @ 18yrs, 1 @ 12yrs) - both ended in separation, last in divorce, due to both of us having issues that I was willing to work on and they weren't. Then they chose a separate path
Someone who is doing my best to save you and your family, while saving mine
"Love thy Neighbor as thyself"
I have raised 3 boys basically on my own, as best I could, into becoming good caring compassionate men, (27, 26 and 18) all while dealing with the trauma of the life I've lived.
As a child at 17 I was diagnosed with PTSD, bi-polar mood disorder, ADHD, and a slew of other dis-orders that a life of following would bring:
beaten by father, mother older brother - since birth to 17
raped - multiple times as a child
abused - physical, mental, sexually, spiritually (throughout my life by family and relationships who took advantage of my bad memory and my conditions)
molested - for months as a child
drug addicted - 9 to 25 to escape my hell
watched my terminal mother wither from 200lbs to 60lbs over 7 years and die due to her being experimented on
homeless - throughout my life - working on NOT be homeless again right now actually
having and then losing what most would call "Everything" over and over again due to circumstances beyond my control
And not ONCE Did I Ever Give Up HOPE
I SURVIVED and "I Made It Through"
So can YOU.
I created this Chakra Course as a means of healing my trauma and IT IS WORKING - so well - I wanted to give it to you... I hope it is doing for you what it did for me.
Through the last few years I have created and given away MANY USEFUL and Practical tools and Top Notch Training on hundreds of subjects - all for FREE. I have never asked anything in return except that you drink the water I've led you to, and maybe shoot a referral and teach others what you've learned. It has always been your choice on whether to or not.
If you feel that any of the information is worth it and anything I may have done, has changed your life or the lives of those around you, all gifts and donations are welcome.
I do sell a little merchandise in the store to help you with your healing and also offer Tarot card readings as well as consultation under the Services tab.
I am not and will never ask for handouts - this is purely sponsoring a Mission of HOPE - anything you feel called to gift for the training you've received, or to help HOPE CARE VANS is most graciously accepted and the Universe, Our Mother Gaia and Love itself will shower blessing upon you for it.
David Hopkins
Note: I prefer to use Venmo or CashApp before using PayPal because they keep holding my money. If you send by PayPal please send as friend and family.
Thank you from the center of my heart
If you wish to go see all of the work I've done to help other people everywhere, you can find all of it here
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