~ A Real Collective ~
ARC (Acronym): A Real Collective to bring about the Act of Reawakening Consciousness
Typically when a person speaks about something that resembles what it is we are going to build (explained in great detail below), first near Mount Shasta in Northern CA, on a 120+ acre property, then around the world (probably in your neck of the woods), you would hear the term “Intentional Community”.
We are calling Project HOPE what it is going to be. The new template for “Intentional Collectives” around the world.
Definition of Collective as per Google: Adjective 1. Done by people acting as a group * belonging or relating to all the members of a group * taken as a whole; aggregate
Noun 1. a cooperative enterprise * a collective farm
Origin: Latin – collect – “gathered together” -
As you would see in any Intentional Community, Project HOPE will be and have the following:
Self-sustainable (generates its own revenue)
Eco-friendly (leaving no footprint)
Off Grid
Holistic Living (Herbs, Spices, etc)
Organic Living and Farming
A benefit to the land it’s on
Recycling and Composting
Solar, Wind and Water Energy
Natural and Constructed Water Source
Weather Protected
Create our Own Clothes
*Bio-Architecturally and Sacred Geometrically designed living homes
8/8/18 Mount Shasta HOPEvolve
Family Reunion
We will also have the following that very few Intentional Communities seem to have from our research: a description of each of them is below in the Six Centers of HOPE
"I touch the future...I teach"
Homeless Outreach Programs & Education (For those who no longer wish to be homeless - working with local organizations)
Research & Development (Holistic Treatments for all Ailments)
Alternative Counseling for troubled (Adults, Teens, Children, Elderly, Families)
Donating Organic Food to local food banks (due to the overabundance of food we grow)
Participating in Local economy with Farmer’s Markets, shops (to bring tourism)
Donating Clothing to local shelters (due to the overabundance of crafts we make)
Helping Our Patriots Everywhere (working with the Veterans)
FREE Education for ALL (onsite and online) on health, happiness, vocational, alternative vocational, body/mind/spirit, just to name a few
Please follow these links to the Six Centers of HOPE - When you bring six musical notes or “keys” together in perfect harmony you achieve the “Universal Whole Note”. Based on Sacred Geometry, Project HOPE is also built in the Seed of Life from The Flower of Life formation. We believe by building our project in this way, this gives life to Creation on a global scale.
Mission of HOPE: Being the Heroes Of Planet Earth, Helping Our Planet Evolve by Helping Other People Everywhere
The Six Centers of HOPE will surround the Heart of HOPE, which will be home to families or individuals who have chosen to adopt our lifestyle at HOPE (stated in the mission statement above and reflected by our Tenets of HOPE ‘once completed on the website’)
Seed of Life Sacred Geometry - Project HOPE Property Configuration
RED- Visitor’s & Administrative Center
ORANGE - Organic Farming Center
YELLOW - Health & Wellness Center
BLUE - Temporary & Transitional Living Center
PURPLE - Research & Development Center
WHITE - Education & Outreach Center
This video will tell you about one of the founders of HOPEvolve, his life which led up to this, how Project H.O.P.E. came to life, the benefits of this project and what we HOPE to achieve with this.
Do You Wish to be a Part of Project H.O.P.E.?
Please fill out this Intent Form and you will be contacted.
H.O.P.E. - Helping Our Personal Evolution:
People can invest their time or money in one of our many on-going outreach and educational programs such as seminars, workshops, retreats, festivals and special events open to the world wide public and surrounding communities. Once built and ready, we will have a full calendar of weekly, monthly and yearly events open to people from all walks of life. The purpose of this is to show our fellow brothers and sisters all over the world that there is an alternative to how they've been living until now.
H.O.P.E. - Helping Our Planet Evolve:
People can invest in their future and support of Project H.O.P.E. by either renting, owning a (Vossahedron) or through “Sweat Equity”. People can rent out a home in a sacred geometric design or pre-determined space on the property (for vacations, camping, per seminar, retreat or special event, weekly, month to month, or for their lifetime) when a proper screening and agreement process has been made depending on length of stay or ownership. People can also invest in the property through “sweat equity”. There will be structures pre-built and land set aside to “house” those with a certain level of commitment to Project H.O.P.E., its mission and the growth and maintenance of the property and “pay their way” through various means such as physical or mental work to assist the entire community.
H.O.P.E. - Helping Other People Everywhere:
People who are Homeless (and don't want to be)
People recovering from a tragic event
People who are lost
People who have served their country
People who have families and need HOPE
People who have lost HOPE
We will provide outreach, education and assistance to local surrounding communities through the over-abundance of organic food, education and handmade crafts that will be grown, taught and created on-site. To be able to give away to the less fortunate clothing we’ve made or useful tools to help them grow. To contact local businesses and organizations that will allow us to barter, trade, and/or sell to the surrounding communities through their businesses and organizations which will allow us to create a self-generating economical community within the HOPE project. To provide our surrounding communities with the much needed assistance in being able to provide food, healthy living and shelter to those willing to change their lives around for the better and become a productive member of the communities, while learning new trades and new lifestyle choices which will not only help them but through them and their public outreach and testimonies, will be able to help others in their community as well.