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~ Organic Farming ~

Center of HOPE


With over 15 acres of land specifically prepared and utilized with both indoor and outdoor *NON GMO* crops being grown, Project HOPE is striving to have “something for everyone” with its wide variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices and botanical farms


“Wow, that’s a lot of food”...


Food Preparation Demonstration


HOPE - Healthy Organics & Physical Enrichment: The produce grown in this Center of HOPE will be given to, and in some cases, prepare meals for, those first moving into Project HOPE as a permanent resident (Heart of HOPE) before they have their first crop grown in their home. For those many people visiting Project HOPE (see Visitor’s Center above) and those living in our Temporary and Transitional Living Center of HOPE (seen below), next to the Visitor’s Center and near our huge parking area, campgrounds (housing tents and RVs ‘with hookups’).

HOPE - Helping Other People Everywhere: The overabundance of produce from this Creation Center (as we like to call it) will be packaged and shipped out from Project HOPE to local communities to be delivered to food banks, soup kitchens, shelters and anywhere else where they believe in one of the tenets of HOPE - Helping Other People Everywhere.

HOPE - Helping Out Public Economy: We will also be bringing our produce to the local “area grown” farmer’s markets to assist in the self-sustainability of our property and all of the programs we offer for FREE to the public, both locally and world wide, at Project HOPE.

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