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~ Be a Hero Of Planet Earth, Helping Our Planet Evolve by Helping Other People Everywhere ~
noun: hope; plural noun: hopes
a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
"We sincerely hope you find the answers you are looking for"
a person or thing that may help or save someone.
believing that something good may happen
verb: hope; 3rd person present: hopes; past tense: hoped; past participle: hoped; present participle: hoping
want something to happen or be the case
intend if possible to do something
acronym: hope; to keep someone from giving up by combining four words together in such a way as to give them a vision of something to hold onto, so that no matter what, they don't ever, ever give up

Heroes Of Planet Earth
Helping Our Planet Evolve
Helping Other People Everywhere
Helping Other People Eat
Hope On Peace Exists
Healing Our Programming Eternally
Honoring Other Powerful Empaths
- Homeless Outreach Program Everywhere
Help Overcome Past Experiences
Honoring Other Parents Efforts
Helping Other People's Empowerment
Helping Orchestrate Peace Everywhere
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