Shipping & Handling - Order Fulfillment
Once your order has been paid for:
Once you have placed for and paid for your order, your item will ship to you within 3 business days following the day of purchase. If the order was received and paid for after 6pm on a Friday, the 3 business days begin on the following Monday if that Monday does not fall on a federal holiday. You will be contacted via email with a confirmation of purchase prior to your order shipping, an email when your order ships to let you know it's on its way, along with a *tracking number (*if located within the USA) and a follow up on or directly after the order is delivered for verification you received your package. If you have not received your order and have not been in contact with someone from Sisters of the Valley Gaia's HOPE and wish to check on your order after it should arrive, please email sotvgaiashope@gmail.com.
Important Shipping Information: CANADA Residents
We are temporarily unable to ship to Canada. We haven't yet sorted out if it is the U.S. or Canada that is interfering with the packages, or why, suddenly, but while we are investigating, we are discontinuing service to Canada.
Shipping information: USA Residents
All orders will be shipped in Flat Rate Bubble Envelopes (for most 0.5oz Tins and 2oz jars, individual 4oz jars) or Flat Rate Boxes (for all other purchases of 4oz, 8oz jars and bulk orders) ranging from $7.90 to $8.00 and $14.35 depending on the size and quantity of purchase items.
Shipping Information: All other Countries
All orders will be shipped by weight. After you purchase the salve through the website and give the mailing country we will email you an invoice for any remaining postage balance due or will refund the extra