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My name is David Hopkins and I am not going to beat around the bush. The world has gone BAT SHIT CRAZY and we all know it. What you may not know is that it doesn’t have to stay that way. We have a plan. We need help. A few of us  (until you come on board with your skills) have gotten together to work on as much as we can to get actual results for getting everyone together to either stop or survive and come back from, what is obviously coming extremely soon.


We are looking for people who want to help. There are many, many areas we can use help in to UNITE as many people as possible as soon as possible.

Before reading on, if you want to join...


The "Zoom" Gatherings

THIS WEEKEND to discuss what is going on in Australia, South Africa, Canada, the UK, the US, racial tensions, the heinous atrocities enacted on the indigenous peoples and WHY THEY ARE DOING THIS...

If you want to join in on a group of people who have come up with step by step plans to effectively unite together and take back our freedom, please click on one of the sessions below and register. Please give accurate info for registration. There is only room for 100 people per gathering. The gatherings will start promptly on time, according to plan. You will be able to enter the waiting room prior to the gathering and will be admitted when they begin. These will be recorded but not shared publicly (only those who attended will get a link).

Saturday, Aug 7 - 10:00am PST SESSIONS (1:00pm est, 6:00pm UK)


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the gathering.


Why am I holding these Gatherings?


We already know what some of the problems are…


World War III will not be fought with military, it will be orchestrated by having the people take themselves out.


  • Infecting each other with a man made virus

  • Infecting each other with hate for other colors of skin

  • Allowing the information to surface or publically pushing it ALL at the same time about the following to enrage everyone against everyone:

  • All of the Pedophiles in the Government, religion, movie industry, music industry

  • Hollywood

  • Police violence

  • Indigenous people’s atrocities they had to suffer

  • Making sure that no one can agree on anything for more than 5 seconds so that there is no unity….



  • Incite violent riots from peaceful protests in South Africa to allow the people to decimate it, then come in and mop up

  • Allow the people to decimate Cuba, come in and mop up

  • Australia is on complete lockdown – getting them ready for South Africa plan

  • Canada is on lockdown and has had most of their guns taken – see above

  • The United States is going on lockdown

  • Too many other countries are under siege to even name here that we don’t know about

  • The new Delta Variant is HERE to create the next lockdown which is already all over the world

  • The news and advertisements have been getting us ready for the worst Winter ever

    • They have been advertising for survival gear, generators, water purifiers and so much more for months now

    • This means they are planning on wiping out power grids and cutting off communication

    • This is the easiest way to round up divergents

  • The experimental liquid they are calling a vaccine that has never been FDA “Approved” has killed tens of thousands and have infected hundreds of millions of people around the world with many diseases meant to cull the planet

  • This has been a plan in the works for decades

  • The White House has been talking non-stop, EVERY DAY in press briefings about the following:

    • Utilizing the military mobile units to bring the shot to all of the communities

    • Going to all of the US homes neighborhood by neighborhood (THAT THEY HAVE ADDRESSES FOR) to education them on why they should get the shot

    • Getting all “extremist” content creators sharing what the White House and all of the rich bastards who are profiting off of the shot and the pandemic dubs “misinformation” off of ALL social media platforms

    • This includes but is definitely not limited to; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, TikTok, YouTube to name a few

      • All of the content creators on ALL Of the major platforms who share information about what is really going on, are being blocked, shadow banned (having the algorithms make sure YOU or our followers are unable to see us or greatly limit our reach in the feed) or getting all of their (our) accounts deleted or suspended so we can’t post or go live

  • You have given every single app you have on your phone, all of your information, access to delete information from your phone, permission to duplicate and record any information on your phone


  • By doing electronic banking, we have given people the ability to sever access to our money with the touch of a button. How many of you had an account seized?

  • They are working to make the experimental liquid mandatory all over the world

  • They are already administering it to children at schools without the parent’s permission or knowledge



Black, White, Red, Yellow, Green

Man, Woman, They, Trans, Gay, Lesbian

Old, Young, Middle aged

Poor, Middle class, Upper middle class, Rich (but not that rich)

WE THE PEOPLE are going to find out - NONE of that is going to matter if we don't do something

(My father always said, never bitch about an issue without some solutions to bring to the table)

We are having 4 Zoom Gatherings this weekend. Please see the info above and below.


In these Zoom meetings I am going to share with anyone who joins step by step methods and instructions with no guess work on how to get as many people together, in different areas around the world, as fast as possible. We have until the Fall.


We need to:

  • Gather a list of all of your friends, family and people you have friended on all of your social media apps

  • Make sure you have Names, addresses, phone numbers, emails (all of them), social media profiles, etc

  • Gather a list of all of the content creators and live streamers or vloggers that you know of who post the truth about what is going on – they are about to lose their accounts

  • Get off of the main EMAIL systems such as Gmail, Att, Yahoo, etc. as they are all being monitored and can be shut off at the click of a button

  • Begin organizing Zoom or online meetings for your local communities/neighborhoods so that you can meet under the radar in your home to discuss how to deal with the mobile units that are going to be coming to your home

  • Pool your resources and funds together in your local communities

  • Try to find under the radar online crowd pooling websites so that you can begin getting you money out of the major banks and have community funds to get what you will need to survive what is coming

  • Get a list and network of people who own property around the countries you live in

  • Get a list and network of people who have a place where people can go if they need to be on the move


I am going to teach the content creators and everyone who follows them, how to break through all of the algorithms and get as many of you seen as possible while we still have accounts on social media apps


Do you have skills?

  • Writing

  • Editing

  • Website design

  • Videography

  • Research

  • Finding and Connecting people together

  • Sales and Marketing (one of the best transferable skills to have when trying to save the world and you have to talk to people)

  • IT experience

  • Event organizing

  • Just to name a few


If so, we need your help. It will take a team of people to put all of the things together that we can do, to help other people everywhere. We can’t pay you. But you will be saving the children and the entire world so….. reward enough?



Zoom Gatherings

THIS WEEKEND to discuss what is going on in Australia, South Africa, Canada, the UK, the US, racial tensions, the heinous atrocities enacted on the indigenous peoples and WHY THEY ARE DOING THIS...

If you want to join in on a group of people who have come up with step by step plans to effectively unite together and take back our freedom, please click on one of the sessions below and register. Please give accurate info for registration. There is only room for 100 people per gathering. The gatherings will start promptly on time, according to plan. You will be able to enter the waiting room prior to the gathering and will be admitted when they begin. These will be recorded but not shared publicly (only those who attended will get a link).


Saturday, Aug 7 - 10:00am PST SESSIONS (1:00pm est, 6:00pm UK)


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the gathering.



We HOPE to see you there


David Hopkins





For those of you who want to read more - please see below - the main point of this is for us to come together in the gatherings....


I am also the creator of THE ARC on TikTok

Toroidal Harmonic Energy
Activation Resonance Circle

as seen on TikTok

(Not the same THE ARC as seen on the website link above - the one above is the Orgonite Resonance Chamber - what THE ARC (energy therapy circle is getting you ready for)
THE ARC - Diagram of Chakra Placement.jpg



What you do, speaks so much louder than what you say


  • To teach people how to unite with others in their area to spread HOPE to their neighborhood and elsewhere

  • I will teach you how to network with shops in your area to reach like minded individuals

  • I will teach you multiple tried and tested methods for bringing your neighborhood together

  • To reach all of the other people that you know, who know what is going on around the planet and bring them all together

  • Who are the others that teach the information you see here?

  • We want to know who they are so we can network with them and help more people

  • To get a network of people together who make their living by helping other people so that we can all cross promote each other and make it so everyone has a resource of where to go in their area or if they are on the move, for any kind of holistic, alternative, off the main hospital grid with private practices who believe in healing people vs pushing medications

  • Get a network together of people who own property all over the globe so that if worse comes to worse, we have a network already established of safe places to go

  • To get all of the hidden knowledge to you, so that you can transform yourself and as I stated above, help us save you, your family, the children and all life on this beautiful planet Earth.

    • I am going to teach you all of the information that I have learned through the years


  • The faster you are able to heal yourself or get steadily on the path to healing, the faster you are able to truly commit to helping us help others and get them the information and resources they need to survive what we are trying to prevent

    • There will be people who don't want to actually do the work, to heal themselves, or to help others. They will just want a "class". They can pay a sliding scale tuition or something... I'm not too concerned with them.

      I'm looking for THOSE who Want to Help Save The Children and Our Planet from the Following:

  • child and adult sex trade

  • pedophilia

  • big pharma hurting our children and families

  • fires raging all over the world - 2019 "3rd highest since the turn of the century" / 2020  

  • earthquakes and hurricanes

  • horrible air quality - chemicals sprayed in the atmosphere all over the world, since at least the 1980s

  • renewed vigor into racism

  • dividing the country

  • lockdowns for over a year

  • people being used as cattle

  • I personally lost my CBD business that was becoming very profitable after 2 years due to Covid19 lockdowns

    • Sisters of the Valley Gaia's HOPE Inc. Licensed in the State of California since Jan 2019 - closed Dec 2020

    • My most current previous attempt at funding all of the goals I have above (1 of over 9 the past 6 years)

      • I split with my wife due to marital issues exacerbated by the lock down

      • I am now working on a part time income, trying to raise my 18 yr old adult child who became quiet and autistic after a vaccine shot right before 7th grade

  • restricting freedoms of those people who choose NOT to get a needle in their arm with an experimental liquid the FDA in the USA still has not approved – they have Emergency Use Authorized which legally means they are literally experimenting on humans to gather data for approval. A liquid that is absolutely harming people

  • getting brother and sister to turn on each other over the cry of “public health” vs "my body"

  • the government having lists of all “radical thinkers” and “Free speech enthusiasts” and “anti-vaxxers” by way of phone apps “terms and conditions” and is now going to go to Door to Door to educate us on the importance of getting the vaccine or suffer the consequences of not getting it

    Ultimately - The Reason I am trying to get you to click the link below and to get this info to you for FREE is frankly

  • Ever since I found out what was coming in 2006, needless to say, it has all come to pass



Besides all of the information about how bad it could get if we allow this to continue, I also found out something incredible. I found out what we could become and how easy it would be for us to fix the entire world. 

Does it look bleak? Depends on how you look at it. Much like Jim Kwik (renowned memory expert), I taught myself to read from comic books at a very young age... and if you've read as many books, including every novel or trilogy series I could get my hands on, you know one thing...

Every single epic novel, movie or story ever told.... led up to the ones finally coming together to learn what they needed and fix it all.

It is my belief that it is that time. Why else would I be so viral on TikTok still in only 5 months of being on it, without being your typical "TikTok" viral personality? Why else would my following continue to grow by 1k per day when I'm shadow banned? Why else would I still be getting emails when They keep pulling all of my videos down?

Why else did you email me?

It must  that time in the Divine Plan everyone keeps talking about.

Now, For those of you who had questions on:

  • What do you mean the internet is going to go down?

  • The internet itself isn’t going down. They are filtering everything and wiping out all of the accounts of people who are trying to rally people together. The internet will not be affected for you, if you conform to their agenda.

  • The social media platforms have all but blocked, silenced or deleted most of the "truther" content creators.

  • The governments of the world are already beginning to block the sim cards from their citizens if they don’t get the shot – without your phone and computer – how are you going to communicate?

  • What are you talking about with something being wrong with the world?

  • Please see above

  • What do you mean all of the media, the entire pandemic, the toilet paper shortage, the increased violence in movies, the attack on the ability of protecting ourselves, all of the violent and disgustingly mature video games our children have access to, the entire music and movie industry, Neuralink, the government education system, the now very visible pedophile and sex trafficking issue, the outrage caused by police and government, cryptocurrency, the vaccines and so much more....

    are ALL PART OF ONE HUGE elaborately planned out CAMPAIGN that has lasted well before the 1920’s when the first depression was conceived of, planned and carried out flawlessly a few very powerful people?

    You will be receving more information including links to actual information in future emails that I will begin sending on a regular basis.


If you wish to continue reading, I go into a little more info about my life and why I am doing this and how I found out what was going on.

Needless to say, when I received your email it made my heart explode with HOPE that we have a real shot at fixing everything wrong on the planet. The reason this is so long is I needed you to have as much information at your fingertips right now as I can reasonably fit that I think you'll read through, since I don’t know if they may cut my means of communicating with you and I need you to know how serious I am about what I’m doing and why I’m doing this.

Besides being a 4 time business owner in the last 25 years, teacher, trainer of trainers, construction worker, etc. (I will be putting a link to my resume on my website once I have the site updated), I am also a father and a grandfather.

Although I was physically, emotionally, sexually and spiritually abused nearly my entire life, I am healing from this for years now and am doing my best to help others do this as well. Due to all of my trauma at a young age, I was addicted to drugs from 9 (paint sniffing) until 25 (meth, LSD), now clean 25 years. I was homeless multiple times. Sometimes by choice so I didn't have to go home. The last time was with my first born son and his mother for his first year of life. Now, although, from what more than a few psychologists have said, I could have “justifiably” killed myself a hundred times over and the only thing anyone would have said at my funeral is:

“I’m surprised David didn’t kill himself sooner”

I Refused To Give Up HOPE

Please tell me if you can relate - I have spent my entire life, though bounced from one traumatic experience to another, determined to learn as much as I could during my life, NEVER letting anything take me out (including my older brother, father and mother), so that one day I would heal and make sure this doesn't happen to ANYONE ELSE.

For my whole life, I have traveled a path of research, surviving trauma and teaching others how to make it. Until in 2003, after seeing a mortgage loan that couldn’t exist (I was in the mortgage industry now) and followed money to its origins, I accidentally found out what was happening all over the planet.

This led me to finding out what was going to happen in 2020, by the year 2006. I NEVER STOP DIGGING or get distracted from the hunt when I am on a scent especially because I have a family that I have sworn to protect as the Provider. I knew what was coming, 14 years before it happened. By the year 2009, after 3 more years of research at a minimum of 3 hours (sometimes 6) per day, I had uncovered enough info to understand that there was nowhere ON THE PLANET TO RUN TO and that there was ONLY ONE SOLUTION



Here’s what I wanted to let you know…

  • There are people coming together to volunteer to work on a lot of online and offline projects to help HOPE reach and have resources ready to help millions of people with needed and useful information to not only survive what is coming, but help others to also.

  • I have received over 2100 emails personally in the past few months with over 85% of them sharing one main theme.

  • “I’m in. What can I do to help?”

  • We are looking for others who have skills they can use long distance to help us, help others

  • There is a SUPER EASY way of healing yourself, your family and your home, so that you can turn your attention toward healing the world.

  • There is a way to unite like-minded people together in your area that is super easy, barely an inconvenience, so you can come together and stop what is happening, while transforming your neighborhood.

  • The people coming together all have transferrable skills, just like yours, to all volunteer our time to work with each other in groups on avenues to help others such as musicians, artists, videographers, content creators, etc.

  • There is a way of combining and using ALL of the ancient and current knowledge passed down throughout the ages based on the mystery schools, religious teachings, mythological accounts, historical findings, philosophical discussions, and scientific research to completely transform and heal your body, mind and spirit.

Also, I am updating my website – to add the following pages as fast as I can;

  • HOPE – this is going to consolidate all of the pages that currently exist, while being home to the new ones I make, that will give you resources for HOPE in one easy to navigate page with image links

  • Project HOPE – a dream of mine for an experimental Intentional outreach and education self-sustaining community that’s main mission is to bring HOPE to the world.

  • ANSWERS – this is a page with links to videos I created for you such as frequency

  • KEYS – this is going to be a page that has links to various pages that will contain very in-depth step-by-step instructions on, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • 6 KEYS TO TRANSFORMATION – This is a step-by-step instruction on how to lose weight and reset your body’s DNA

  • 6 KEYS TO HEALING TRAUMA – This is a step by step instruction on how to get a very effective support group together in your area of like-minded individuals so that you can assist each other (in the same category as you) heal and secure in the healing from their traumas

  • 6 KEYS TO THE ARC (Level 1) – This is the basic setup for the Toroidal Harmonic Energy Activation Resonance Circle

  • 12 KEYS TO EVOLUTION – These are the 12 Keys to follow to bring on the next evolution of your vessel and to assist in the balancing of the masculine/feminine energy within

  • 9 KEYS TO STOP CYBERBULLYING FOREVER – These are 9 steps that will assist in getting rid of any cyberbully and their accomplices



  • Zoom Gatherings

  • THIS WEEKEND to discuss what is going on in Australia, South Africa, Canada, the UK, the US, racial tensions, the heinous atrocities enacted on the indigenous peoples and WHY THEY ARE DOING THIS...

    If you want to join in on a group of people who have come up with step by step plans to effectively unite together and take back our freedom, please click on one of the sessions below and register. Please give accurate info for registration. There is only room for 100 people per gathering. The gatherings will start promptly on time, according to plan. You will be able to enter the waiting room prior to the gathering and will be admitted when they begin. These will be recorded but not shared publicly (only those who attended will get a link).


Saturday, Aug 7 - 10:00am PST SESSIONS (1:00pm est, 6:00pm UK)


  • After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the gathering.


David Hopkins





​ - coming soon


Please browse through the website and check out all of the FREE information and the FREE CHAKRA course that I have for your healing - So we can save the world

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