I'm so excited to finally be here with you all. It took a lot of internal work to let go of limiting beliefs and to open myself up to new connections and opportunities. I think a lot of us come from a difficult background, similarly, I've had a lot of baggage to unpack since moving away from my family at the start of this year.
It wasn't until I felt safe enough, that I was then able to allow myself access to these wounds in order to heal them. I feel like sharing a piece of wisdom that my mom shared with me recently through my personal story:
In my parent's backyard, we had a cherry tree among other greenery but they were not doing so well because they were forgotten. I spent the last year during spring/summer nurturing all the greens and giving the plants so much love by speaking to them with kindness and love (similarly to how David showed us with speaking kind words to your water! It's absolutely real) Just a few days ago, I went over to my parent's house and saw how much that cherry tree blossomed and was full of so much fruits that the birds couldn't keep up! My mom reminded me that the tree had a crack in it, and she said sometimes we need to open up our wounds in order to heal them. I hope my story makes sense, but the just of it is that love is the answer and trust is the key to allow each other to be vulnerable. To get there we need to feel safe, and I definitely get those vibes from this community and with David! I put together a playlist that helped me cope through my own awakening and trauma/ptsd, and I felt understood through the words of the music when I felt I had no one to talk to. I want to share in case it might help someone else feel less lonely in this world <3 It's filled with different genre's so feel free to skip the ones that don't resonate with you :) and look up the lyrics when you feel inclined to! Eye love you all!! 😍 I'm excited to work amongst you all and get to know you better!
Keep on your path with eyes wide open I know you are loved 🦋💓🙏